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发布日期:[2012-8-7]    共阅[ ]次

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Hey,fierce brother,you say that guy will Heng Ma Qin teacher under the black hand?We can get a little against my future prospects are tied to the body of the teacher in the Qin Dynasty."Said a boy ran in front of the big man . "He dared.I can not waste him."Said Li Meng fist. Class girls looking at a situation rippling face Zhangzhang Chun Wang ninety-nine very contemptuous went out. Standing on the side of the Dutch school building pool,sitting pool side made king ninety-nine stay after a while,out of his pocket a small size of the red phone. Dial a number,wait until the call is connected,the king ninety-nine shouted into the microphone:"Zhang Yi Yi,I'm in love.Love at first sight.